Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Serious time

So as the few people who actually read this know I usually write stupid things and go on rants in office to my own pleasure. but this episode is one of a serious or deep note on the universe, life, etc.

I'm starting with this link:

It's the Hubble telescope deep field image.
According to this fellow talking it is the single most important image ever taken. Crazy right.

He goes on to say that the universe has a radius of 46.5 billion lightyears which is just crazy to sit down and really think about. We are on this one small planet that we are confined to pretty much and the universe is so big. on one image from the hubble telescope there are thousands of galaxys and in those are thousands of stars and those stars have even more bodies of planets revolving around them. So out of the millions of planets out there there has got to be at least one out there with all the right conditions as ours to have intelligent life. the right temperature, water, nitrogen based soil, gravity being somewhat the same, oxygen. those are some of the basic things that this other "earth" would have. Just thinking there's a big possiblity of other life out there similar to ours.

And we'll never see it but what of our descendents.

weird turn from my usually prose I know, but think about it because I have recently, it's just interesting i suppose


Friday, December 19, 2008


So yesterday I had to go to the doctors for my ears (again). Because if I had one weakness in my manliness of a body it would be the ears. But, I went to Kaiser basically to get some drugs for my ears so I can hear again and be one my way, but I end up being interrogated by two doctor ladies asking if I had my flu shot, tetnis* (spelling) shot, if I've had a physical here (the answer being no because I normally go to a different Dr. but for these times and trials we go to Kaiser for the cheap co-pay deal). THey go on to say I should schedule an appointment for a physical(which I have no intention of doing) and they are going to go ahead and give me my flu shot while I am already weak from the flu.

They got me on a love lockdown

But decisions is not one of my strong suites, as you may know, and I'm just telling them- "uh, let me consult with my mother," and "I dunno when I had my last tetnis shot." Really who remembers when they last had a tetnis shot.

So I have my drugs, my ears are filled of infection and my mom suprises me outside of the complex and asks if I want to have lunch. I'm always down to clown a free lunch so we go to the Springfield pizzeria and upon ordering a buffet my friend Alex calls and asks if I want to do the market with him. So I do but I have to rush home for him to pick me up and PROCEEED to the spot.

So the job is to sell buffalo meat in D.C. at the farmers market in Penn quarter so we gotta

the end

So this is my last post i had on saved drafts. I never got to finish it so it stopped here and i havent really kepy up with the blog since then. sorry.

basically I forget what i was going to say because its a month old ..... uh to finish the post I sold buffalo meat with my friend Alex that day and came home tired and hungry and cold

Friday, November 28, 2008


so it is 12:24 EST (will be a different time when finished, and I realize this) in the somewhere that is the surrounding area of Louisville Kentucky, where dreams come true and loads of bourbon gets made. Yesterday was Thanksgiving where family members got fed too much alcohol and made small fools out of themselves and chillrun sat at the children table for Thanksgiving, which is the best table.
I hope to God I never graduate from the childrens table or at least eat there for like 1/4 of the meal when I'm old. That way you dont have to listen to ramblings about taxes and the like. Instead you make fun of each other basically and throw in random impressions of people that a fraction the table even knows with your talking about. Can you believe I was told my fascination with Bill Cosby was about 20 years too late. Humbug.
All in all, good Thanksgiving, good food, great posture Cody. Oh thanks Cody*
B ut on another tangent in another world I did finally see the kermit video singing at the parade, thank you, and I got to give it an A+. I mean the puppet-frog is over 40 years old and still beltin out tunes like it was the 70s. Thats the oldest puppet-frog/frog in history and he is more famous than any of us. Which leads me to another thought/question: Why is kermit the most popular character from the muppets?

All of these thought swell into my head as I am about to venture into a slumber and I'm sure my dreams will concern them, but as mentally weak as we humans are I wont be able to tap into that memory bank tomorrow and lose my weird dream of being kermit doing miss piggy in a hybrid ford while swinging from a float on the parade and tap dancing to manomana. (spelling?)

Oh and that tori spelling show. ugh its awful I was forced to watch it at the hospital today and what has she done since 90210 not that I watched it. But,who is her husband Dean. Dean what- looks like a schmuck.

But hats off to those who read this ramble.
And two hats and a hulk smash puncher hand to those who can answer my questions.

P.S. whats the meaning of life.**



*High five

**Kidding-but welcome to thought.

***Sorry if I have multiple mispellings and errors I don't feelz like proofreading.

****I copied Ryan's asterisk system

Monday, November 24, 2008


So with the ever popular Coz my new idol is kermit the frog.

We all know kermit the frog from the muppet show when we were kids and heck I remember him singing with Garth Brooks(g). But, as much as kermit wishes to seem happy and out there for the kids and such we all know he's got a chubby for Miss piggy and doesn't want anyone else to know about it. It's like he's afraid to let the world know that he likes to do her becuase she's, well let's face it a pig. So lately kermit has been turning to substances and depression to combat his desire for pigs in his blankets and these videos made me laugh.

O along with these we got the substantial evidence that christian bale is not only batman but kermit the frog.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The artist known as Jimbo is now officially a poopypants loserface ahahahahahah.

Sucka MC
got nothing on me
I like to go play on the chimney sweep
1, 2, 3, and to the 4
go home try to clean my kitchen door
wipe your sad beard with the dirty floor
that's right your a mop
put on them flip flops
with silly socks
silly strings
belly button bling
cuz yous a ho let you hair grow long
with that skinny ass sclong
vacuum yo ass with a Looooong
letter home
that says dear mr. jimbo
what do I see
a punk ass bitch that dont know how to add three plus three
the answers four
saysa jimbo in haste
go drink some coors
and eat canned paste
post script jimbo
this is what it says
i love your face like lando on liqa
u just jealous cuz my big ole ham sandwich is thicka
im outie
go home and poutie

thats right you gayz


Alas I have rediscovered my password! It is now hawaiianmayan.
shit shouldnt have told you that. Anyways yeah I've been discouraged to make new entries because I fuckin couldn't.
But anyways my next post will be about scars.
Yes scars on your forehead, your knees, your hands. I actually have a lot of scars on my hands. To the untrained eye I might have the hands of a construction worker a line from being stomped on in football, other ones from spikes that were protruding from the snow which I did not see, or my personally favourite: burning my wrist on the oven because I rushed to get my chicken nuggets out of the oven to fast in a failed-attempt to gulp them down.
So sadly I ran to the sink and ran cold water on my wrist while I watched those poor dino-nuggets get eaten. Eaten.
So you never realized that my hand was drowning in the water so I offered you my hand ... I tear my heart open, sew myself shut. Hahaha tricked you into reading another Papa roach song. haha stoopids.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Remember that song suffocation by that silly band... what were they called. Yes papa roach. Well remember that stupid catchy song, well guess what it sucks. fuck papa roach go eat waste. isnt that what roaches do? I'm not sure but something tells me they do so Here's to you pap roach. make more poop songs about exterminating roaches.
